Make Appointment Days Easier When You Have a Busy Schedule

Between your mom’s appointments, your own appointments, and your children’s appointments, you feel overwhelmed. You’ve just gotten your mom through her medical, dental, and eye appointments. Now, it’s time for your appointments, and then your children all have them, too.
It gets worse. When you do have appointments, your mom refuses to go. You can’t leave her home alone, but she fights you. It’s making you stressed, and you’ve had to cancel too many appointments at the last minute. What are your options?
Can You Schedule Everyone at the Same Time?
Is it possible to schedule medical or dental appointments at the same time? This is only going to work if you’re all at the same practice. If you are, it’s much easier to have your children seeing their dentist or doctor while your mom is in with hers.
Talk to Others in the Family
Ask your siblings, close cousins, or family friends if they’re available to stay with your mom while taking care of appointments for yourself and your children. If others are free to help out, it makes it easier to keep appointments and not experience as much stress.
Keep Ready-to-Heat Meals in the Freezer
Keep a selection of ready-to-heat meals in your mom’s freezer for busy appointment days. After spending time in a doctor’s or dentist’s office, you can take her home, put a casserole in the oven and eliminate meal prep time. You avoid takeout food, but you save a lot of time in the kitchen.
Look for Alternative Medical Options
It’s not possible in every area, but there are some cities and towns where concierge doctors come to your home if you’re too sick to travel. There are also a growing number of doctors who make house calls for older adults and those who are unable to drive themselves to a doctor’s office.
While this arrangement won’t help your children, it can make it easier to keep up with your mom’s medical appointments. You can focus on doing things within her home while she meets with her doctor.
Schedule Helpful Services With Professional Caregivers
Have you considered the benefits of arranging personal care at home? Instead of trying to manage appointments while bringing your mom along, have a caregiver stay with her. She doesn’t have to go with you to your appointments, and you don’t have to worry about her being all alone. Call an agency to arrange personal care at home.
If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Westfield, IN, please contact the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care today. 317-550-1276